Ensure the safety and care of every household pet!
Fetch your planFree Intellitag, 30-day free trial, and a free pet light
The smart pet tag for smart pet parents.
Money-Back Guarantee!
If you're not completely satisfied, return your Intellitag for a full refund. One household plan monitors unlimited pet Intellitags.
While microchipping your pet is essential, they are still at risk of being injured if lost before being transported to a vet or shelter where their microchip can be scanned. Why take that chance?
Intellitag instantly connects you with your pet's rescuer and provides the rescuer with complete pet-care instructions stored in your pet's vault. Simultaneously, Intellitag calls, emails, and texts you and your backup network that your lost pet's found, with pickup instructions for total pet protection.
Every year more than 10 million pets go missing and over 6 million are killed on roadways in the U.S. alone. Many pets never make it home due to delayed recovery times.
While a phone number on your pet's tag is important, they are often worn and difficult to read. Also, a pet parent's availability cannot be predicted or guaranteed. Intellitag email and text communications serve as a vital backup to the phone number on your tag, ensuring your pet's safe and quick return home.
Microchips are only successful in reuniting pets with their families 52% of the time. They can migrate in pets' bodies and become undetectable. Further, pets waiting for someone willing to transport them to a vet or shelter to be scanned are exposed to the dangers of being fatally injured.
GPS devices are often costly, inaccurate, and have short battery lives. Additionally, they only assist in providing a pet's approximate location, and do not provide a pet rescuer with the information to care for your pet or automated communication tools to reunite you with your lost pet.
Pet Notify is an automated emergency notification system that protects and ensures the care of your companion animals. From Intellitag lost pet notifications, pet-care emergency alarms, storing important pet documents, and assignment of pet-care tasks, we've got you covered!
Pet Vault document storage & information sharing with pet-care providers
Pet Alarm notifications when you can't be there for your pets
Task assignments to family & care providers
Intellitag monitoring, alerts, and lost pet notifications - Unlimited household pets